In July we released 12 videos of the UVM SystemVerilog Basics series with Chinese audio . Now we are completing the set and releasing the remaining 13 videos.
- Interface UVC Environment
- Virtual Sequencer - Sequence
- Module UVC
- Scoreboard
- DUT Functional Coverage
- Testbench
- Test
- Configuration
- Factory
- Phases
- Objections
- Virtual Interface
- Class Library Overview
Once more I would like to thank my colleague, Yih-Shiun Lin for his great job in translating the audio. It is his voice you hear on these videos.
Besides releasing the videos to YouTube, we are also publishing them on
YouKu, the Chinese version of YouTube.
Link to YouTube Playlist (Chinese)
Link to YouKu Playlist (Chinese)
Link to YouTube Playlist (English)
Link to YouKu Playlist (English)
Axel Scherer
Incisive Product Expert Team